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Times and Locations TBA...
Times and Locations TBA...
Times and Locations TBA...
Stratford Public School
341 N. Oak
Stratford, Oklahoma 74872
Map 580-759-3615
"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents."
Child Internet Protection Act
Stratford Public School recognizes federal and state regulations with regards to Internet usage and Internet safety for their students. Stratford Public School Policy and Procedures delineates, for public reference, the safe guards in place to assure safe and responsible use of the Internet for students and staff alike. Internet usage is a privilege and not a right. Appropriate usage is directly related to curricular standards and reflected in lesson plans. It is the intention of Stratford Public School to teach our students how to be good digital citizens, as well as, the capacity to use the Internet as a learning tool for the 21st century. See the FCC Consumer Facts link here regarding the Child Internet Protection Act. Also reference this video clip from Google regarding Safe Search.